One of Us

Watch these survivors of sexual assault talk about why it's time for a different conversation. A conversation that involves all of us. One that starts to ask the right questions and looks to build constructive answers. Whether you are one of us, or want to live in a world where there are less survivors of abuse, please watch our 2015 awareness-raising video and join the conversation at Clear Lines.’

2021 Collaboration with The SHaME Project

Literature and Sexual Trauma: Authors Writing Their Lived Experience
With Susan J Brison, Shivanee Ramlochan, Una and Winnie M Li

Sexual Violence and Criminal Justice: Approaches in Psychology, History and Literature
With Amina Memon, Winnie M Li and Joanna Bourke

Writing About Trauma, Recovery & Gender-Based Violence 2018

Part 1
With Clare Shaw, Abigail Tarttelin, and Winnie M Li

With Louise Beech, Clare Best, Madeleine Black, and Tanaka Mhishi

Clear Lines Festival 2015

Spoken Word Night: A playlist
With Rachel Long, Victoria Adukwei Bulley, Kayo Chingoni, Amaal Said, Emily Harrison, Winnie M Li and Belinda Zhawi

What should we tell kids about Sexual Abuse?

Every parent worries about sexual abuse – but what should they do about it. This discussion between survivor Silke Katharina, psychologist Dr Nina Burrowes, and journalist Nathalie McDermott was filmed at the Clear Lines Festival 2015

Media coverage of Sexual Abuse

Marcus Ryder and Alison Holt from the BBC join Radhika Sanghani from the Telegraph along with Winnie M Li and Dr Nina Burrowes from The Clear Lines Festival for a discussion about media coverage of sexual assault.